Walk4Hearing is May 18, 2024!


Hearing Loss Association of America – Our National Organization’s web site full of useful information and resource help.

The absolute best list of Links related to hearing loss are on HLAA’s web site:  http://www.hearingloss.org/content/helpful-website-links

Hearing Loops – Hearing Loops explained and the Let’s Loop America project. Includes some lists of where hearing loops are installed.

Assistive Listening Device (ALD) Locator – an interactive national locator for specific hearing assistance technologies, including loops.

Captioning and CART

MoPix –  Motion Picture Access. With a list of theaters equipped with Rear Window® Captioning and DVS Theatrical®and the theaters voice phone numbers.

WGBH’s Media Access Group – For more than 40 years, the Media Access Group at WGBH has been providing accessible media services to the 36 million Americans who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, or visually impaired. We invented captioning and video descriptions for television, and today we apply those services to movies, the web, museums, theme parks, and more. Our partner, the Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM), continues to work on new media access breakthroughs that build on WGBH’s history.

National Court Reporters –  Includes an online directory of certified CART providers, how to get certified, and other information. NCRA promotes excellence among those who capture and convert the spoken word to text and is committed to supporting every member in achieving the highest level of professional expertise.

Hearing Aid Guide – Consumer Affairs –  Compare Reviews of Hearing Aids – Over 36 million Americans experience some degree of hearing loss, and hearing aids – small sound amplification devices worn inside or around a person’s ear – are one of the most common ways people manage it. Today, the need for hearing aids is growing as more people are diagnosed with hearing loss each year. While there are many types of hearing aids and many causes of hearing loss, the purpose of a hearing aid is always the same: to amplify sound and improve the wearer’s quality of life. Hearing aids can vary in placement, features and pricing.